6 Face Oils to Remind Your Lost Lover You Retain the Glow of Youth

Yes, they took some of the best years of your life. But that doesn’t mean you have to let it show on your face!

  1. If you broke up recently, I would recommend the Ordinary Buffet Serum, available online at Sephora.com. You may be crying a lot, drinking a lot, and eating unhealthily, as you should be, depleting your body’s ability to sustain or repair itself. Buffet yourself with your favorite things, your favorite chocolates, movies. Your skin will be at its most dehydrated. At $14 this oil can be bought in bulk while you ride out the heartbreak. With two day shipping, it will come to you before you know it—before you’ve even changed your pyjamas or moved from the couch.

  2. If your lover dumped you viciously, voraciously, or vindictively, I would recommend a luxury oil, like Drunk Elephant’s Marula Oil. Allow the oil to soak into the crow’s feet that sorrow has created. This luxurious oil can be applied to the face and neck after washing. Use it nightly and allow yourself to ponder your reflection as the oil sets. Did they really love you, for it to end like this? What are you going to do now? What are you going to tell your mother?

  3. If you did the dumping, Sunday Riley U.F.O. Ultra-Clarifying Face Oil. No question. You are becoming the best version of yourself and need to leave dead weight, clogged pores, and false hope behind. Finally, you can see clearly without the weight of the expectations of someone else to burden you. Register for that creative writing program like you’ve always wanted! This is a status symbol, a reminder to invest in yourself. Text your ex you want all the clothes you bought them on your doorstep by 9 am. Block them on every form of social media you have, including LinkedIn. Take back the promise rings and take them to a silversmith. Have them melt both your rings down to make one ring, just for you. Remember to place a few drops of oil on the backs of your hands, which we often forget as part of our skincare routine. Allow the ring and the oil to remind you daily of your worth. 

  4. If your relationship ended on good terms, with each of you proclaiming to remain friends, you likely feel no changes need to be made to your routines. You’re grateful for what you’ve learned from your partner, choosing to leave your Facebook profile pictures where they sit, sending cheery messages to your mutual friends to “not pick sides!”, wearing the matching Nantucket sweaters you have to grocery shop. You forgot you even got them together that summer, it was so long ago. You reminisce, deep laugh lines having formed from the love and laughter you shared. This is beautiful, or at least Audrey Hepburn would so like us to believe. Use a Youth to the People Superberry Hydrate + Glow Oil, which can be mixed into whichever moisturizer you already use. You’ll hardly notice it’s in there, or when you run out, that it’s gone. 

  5. If the relationship ended on bad terms, unexpectedly throwing you into a whirl, use L’Occitaine Almond Smoothing and Beautifying Supple Oil—it almost smells like the marzipan you shared the night you met. Take a long bath and watch Under the Tuscan Sun. Feel how soft and supple your skin feels, and remember your lover has lost more than you. Do they think they’re going to find someone hotter than you? As if. Consider going to Paris again. Getting away would be the best thing right now, on the other side of the Atlantic you can turn your phone off, smoke Gauloises like they never let you, and sit in complicated and intellectual museums, making new memories to slough away the old.

  6. If the relationship ended gradually, with no fault to be found on either side, use the Renewal Oil from La Mer. This might have the largest price tag, but you can afford it: you’re no longer buying dinners and concert tickets for two. Your lover may have started a job across the country or moved home to Ecuador, or they may have been too focused on raising capital for their cybersecurity app to sustain a relationship with you. Like literally their priorities are so off and they’re gonna wake up one day and realize it, but I digress. Perhaps the fault was your own: you were so focused on finding a relationship you forgot about the other person in it. Ultimately, it doesn’t matter. It wasn’t your fault and it wasn’t really theirs, either. But end it did. Use the post-break period to renew yourself, physically and emotionally. Rekindle your interests. Call the friends you hung out with before you matched on Hinge with your ex, which is what you’re allowed to call them now. Recommit to a routine, developing discipline through the act of self-care. You’ll feel like yourself again, but better. You’re you, and now you’re brand new.


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